The John Crist Show

The John Crist Show

John Crist

When kids know more about your cellphone than you do, check in with John Crist to demystify the latest in consumer electronics. Whether you're a parent looking to keep up with phones, video games, and other doo-dads, a confused shopper with questions, or you're an enthusiast excited to hear about what's new, John is there to walk you through the wonderful world of tech.

Categorias: Tecnología

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You're here because some kid you know somewhere knows more about phones and tablets than you do. You're a full-blooded adult working a 9:00 to 5:00, but you still want to be on the up and up about phones, TVs, maybe even those video game consoles you've heard so much about on the news. THIS is the show FOR YOU.

Episodios anteriores

  • 1 - Welcome to The John Crist Show! 
    Tue, 12 Jan 2021
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